Jan Maris

painting painting paintings

painting technique

summary of exhibitions

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contact: mail@nulljanmaris.nl


speakerdeur Speaker Door – trompe-l'œil painting on door of rehearsal space for bands

de factor (dutch)

The Other Golden Rectangle The other Golden Rectangle and Golden Cuboid

A rectangle with sides in the Lichten­berg ratio (ISO 216, A4 paper size) is the diagonal plane of a cube.

If the odds are Phi, odds against equals probability.


Raymond Roussel – Nou­velles Im­press­ions d'Afri­que, inter­actif (cliquez sur les paren­thèses colo­rées)

speakerdeur Donna sorridente, ca. 1925, oil painting, 39,5 × 29,7 cm, by Enrico Frattini del Pace (1890-1968), found at junk shop in Amsterdam